1. Boarder Profile: Drexel Loh

Boarder Profile: Drexel Loh

Published on 28 Jun 2021

Describe yourself in three words.

Bold, Headstrong, Honest.

When did you start boarding? How long have you been a boarder?

I started when I was 10 years old in 2014 so it has been 6 years now.

What do you like best about boarding?

I love the freedom and the sense of independence I have. Additionally, the experiences I have through living with my best friends are truly unforgettable.

What do you like least about boarding?

My school’s timetable can be a bit tight at times. Some people enjoy having a fixed schedule.

What do you miss most about not staying at home?

I rarely get to eat home-cooked food which I really miss.

Tell us your most memorable boarding school incident!

There’s not one incident specifically that I can confidently say is the most memorable. But something I really appreciate are the Saturday evenings I have with my friends. It has become a tradition that every Saturday evening my housemates and I gather at the pantry to eat supper together while exchanging snacks, stories and jokes. These gatherings are when I have learnt the most about my friends and formed the strongest bonds with them.

What opportunities has boarding given you that you would not have had otherwise?

I would not be as close to my teachers if I did not live with them. Boarding has allowed me to get to know a lot of my teachers outside of the classroom, thus making my learning in the classroom a lot more personalized and  effective.

Would you encourage other students to be boarders as well? Why?

Boarding will definitely shape you to be more mature and independent. Though it is not the real thing, it is good preparation for the future when we would eventually be living by ourselves. On top of that, what could be better than living with your friends?

What do you hope to do when you finish school?

Enter university with an open mindset and continue to forge new friendships and share my culture.

What lessons did you learn in 2020?

To truly appreciate my friends and the people that have helped me to get to where I am at now.


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