1. Kingsley International School: Update E-Learning

Kingsley International School: Update E-Learning

Published on 19 Jun 2020

Most schools world-wide are switching to online mode for teaching and learning. Whilst this poses a cultural shift in learning, we, at KIS, are taking gradual steps to ensure students’ achievement of learning objectives is not unduly compromised.

We have provided guidance for students to come on board the e-learning platforms. We are continuing to provide updates as when necessary to the students and teachers. Our teachers have also been requested to provide flexibility to students where needed. For example, if a student is unable to attend a scheduled online class or has difficulty in the rare case of limited connectivity, the teachers have been advised to ensure the student is aided after the lectures to meet the learning objectives. Teachers are also requested to be on standby and dedicate time for students to receive additional support.

Our main objective is to serve our students as best as we can to and ensure that their objectives are met. We acknowledge the switch from physical classrooms to virtual classrooms (online learning) can be challenging for students and teachers alike. We are nearing one full week of online teaching and learning. We have received very positive and constructive feedback from the vast majority of students, and are continually reviewing the feedback and making the any necessary adjustments where needed.

We take this opportunity to thank all our parents/ guardians for being patient and understanding during this period of learning at home! It certainly is taking its toll on everyone with the rush for computer-based learning to happen at short notice but we are so pleased with the constant positive feedbacks of encouragements and happy notes! Students are learning, that’s our objectives and must continue to be so! THANK YOU PARENTS & GUARDIANS

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy. Stay at Home, Stay Connected.

- Priya, Vice Principal KIS –

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